Chakras and Their Meanings Chart— How to Heal Chakras at Home

Scroll down for a simple chakras meanings chart to learn where chakras in the body are located, how chakra wounds manifest in your health, tips for how to heal chakras at home, examples of chakra healing crystals as well as rituals to help align your chakras. You will learn the spiritual meaning of each chakra, what each chakra represents in our energy, how chakra wounds can affect your daily life and which crystals to use for chakra healing.

How to Heal Your Chakras at Home:

  • Crown Chakra - Divine Connection. “I understand.” Imbalances result in cynicism and closed-mindedness. Keep a daily gratitude journal and visualize energy streaming down your chakras. Work with clear and purple crystals like Amethyst and Clear Quartz.

  • Third Eye Chakra - Psychic Powers, Intuition. “I see.” Imbalances result in lack of clarity and direction. Try meditating, taking deep, slow breaths then posing a question with a clear mind. Wait for any insights. Work with indigo or violet crystals like Ametrine and Lepidolite.

  • Throat Chakra - Voice, Communication. “I speak.” Imbalances result in shyness, anxiety and arrogance. Try giving yourself a healing sound bath by practicing chakra-balancing chants daily. Work with blue crystals like Lapis Lazuli and Blue Lace Agate.

  • Heart Chakra - Love, Relationships. “I love.” Imbalances result in depression, strained relationships and lack of self discipline. Try loving-kindness meditation and practicing mindfulness. Work with green crystals like Aventurine and Malachite.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra - Self Esteem. “I do.” Imbalances result in low self esteem and being controlling and manipulative. Try writing, repeating and meditating on self-love affirmations daily. Work with yellow and golden crystals like Tiger’s Eye and Pyrite.

  • Sacral Chakra - Creativity, Sexuality. “I feel.” Imbalances result in sexual dysfunction, emotional isolation and creative blocks. Allow yourself to play and express yourself by writing morning pages, emptying your thoughts like a waterfall shortly after waking. Work with orange and yellow crystals like Carnelian and Citrine.

  • Root Chakra - Safety, Stability. “I am.” Imbalances result in scattered energies, anxiety and fear. Try reconnecting with Nature by earthing (walking in nature with bare feet) and shadow work. Work with black and red crystals like Black Tourmaline and Red Jasper.


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